DOCX The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler epub download free

DOCX The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler epub download free

DOCX The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future by Riane Eisler epub download free

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Book description
This book opens a door. The key to unlock it was fashioned by many people and many books, and it will take many more to fully explore the vast vistas that lie behind it. But even opening this door a crack reveals fascinating new knowledge about our past--and a new view of our potential future.For me, the search for this door has been a life-long quest. Very early in my life I saw what people in different cultures consider given--just the way things are--is not the same everywhere. I also very early developed a passionate concern about the human situation. When I was very small, the seemingly secure world I had known was shattered by the Nazi takeover of Austria. I watched as my father was dragged away, and after my mother miraculously obtained his release from the Gestapo, my parents and I fled for our lives. Through that flight, first to Cuba and finally to the United States, I experienced three different cultures, each with its own verities. I also began to ask many questions, question that to me are not, and never have been, abstract.Why do we hunt and persecute each other? Why is our world so full of mans infamous inhumanity to man--and to woman? How can human beings be so brutal to their own kind? What is it that chronically tilts us toward cruelty rather than kindness, toward war rather than peace, toward destruction rather than actualization
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