DOCX The Art of Murder by Elaine Viets shop text get read author

DOCX The Art of Murder by Elaine Viets shop text get read author

DOCX The Art of Murder by Elaine Viets shop text get read author

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Book description
#15 in the Dead End Job series. Helen Hawthorne and husband Phil take on simultaneous jobs for their Coronado Investigations P.I. firm. Helen is hired to prove the poisoned artists ex-husband killed her, although Helen warns that she will search for whoever the killer happens to be. Phil is hired to catch the Gold Ghost, a cat burglar stealing bullion collections from high floor residents in a Lauderdale community. Helen insists on accompanying the operative Phil places on stake-out duty. An enjoyable cozy but its annoying how long it takes Helen to remember where she has seen the Gold Ghost before.Dead End Job series - Fort Lauderdale, Fla., PI Helen Hawthorne tours the Bonnet House Museum, where she meets artist Annabel Griffin. Outside the museum after the tour, Annabel collapses after drinking some odd-tasting raspberry tea and eventually dies from nicotine poisoning. A close friend of Annabels is convinced that the dead womans boorish ex-husband, Hugo Hythe, murdered her, and she hires Helen to investigate. Helen noticed Hugo callously step over the unconscious Annabel right after her fall and later learns that Annabel contributed to Hugos losing his position as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Meanwhile, Helens PI husband, Phil, has been retained to catch the so-called Gold Ghost, who has been breaking into top-floor condos and stealing gold coins. The stakes for that case rise when the burglar fatally bludgeons an elderly man who presumably interrupted another theft.
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