DOCX Telepathy! by The Abbotts doc free full selling book

DOCX Telepathy! by The Abbotts doc free full selling book

DOCX Telepathy! by The Abbotts doc free full selling book

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Book description
Everyone can learn to use the exciting paranormal skill of Telepathy by following this easy-to-understand course by The Abbotts, paranormal experts. You can learn to contact other peoples minds; understand what other people are thinking and influence their thoughts and behaviour; contact spiritual beings and alien races; heal yourself and others; help the planet and much more. For anyone who wants to improve their love life, work opportunities, make good social contacts and relate to animals, plants and the Universe, this is the book for you! With inspiring channelled messages from Ashtar and the Ascended Masters you will soon be using your telepathy daily! A revolutionary 4th Dimensional look at an ancient psychic power!
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