DOCX Technology Transfer from University to Industry: Insight Into University Technology Transfer in the Chinese National Innovation System (PB) by Ming Tang Feng online pdf shop ipad acquire

DOCX Technology Transfer from University to Industry: Insight Into University Technology Transfer in the Chinese National Innovation System (PB) by Ming Tang Feng online pdf shop ipad acquire

DOCX Technology Transfer from University to Industry: Insight Into University Technology Transfer in the Chinese National Innovation

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Book description

Book description
Technology Transfer from University to Industry provides a cogent analysis of university technology transfer in the Chinese National Innovation System (NIS). The book outlines the NIS approach, analyses the building-up of the Chinese NIS and discusses the role orientation of university in the NIS. It also discusses three institutional innovations - the Chinese version Bayh-Dole Act, university technology transfer offices and university incubators - in order to show how universities transfer technology to industry in the Chinese NIS. Additionally, it makes a cross-nation comparison of university incubators in China and in France. The book underlines the importance of university in improving weak absorptive and innovative capabilities of domestic firms and provides both practical and theoretical insights to policy makers and practitioners. The book will be a very valuable reference to university students and lecturers as well as to governments and firms who are interested in university technology transfer and the Chinese NIS. ________ TANG Ming Feng holds a PhD degree in economics from Louis Pasteur University, France and is currently an associate professor at Southwest Finance and Economics University, China. Her research interests include university technology transfer, regional/national innovation systems and industry clustering. Her publications include Does the Chinese Bayh-Dole Act Of 2002 Have The Same Effect As The US Act Of The Rising University Patenting?, A Comparative Analysis Of University Incubators In China And In France, The Effect of Chinas Bayh-Dole Act on University Research and Technology Transfer and Science & Technical Human Capital and Economic Growth. She is also a contributor to OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy - China and a scientific committee member of la Revue Internationale de Projectique.
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