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DOCX Taming the Star Runner by S.E. Hinton (Goodreads Author) free full version reader audio link

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Book description
This book is about a boy named Travis who almost kills his step dad and is sent to his uncle’s house. While he is at his uncles he finishes a book he is writing and finds a new part of him self. That he will never give up. Even when his step dad won’t let his mom sign the contract saying he can purplish the book he doesn’t give up. In this book he finds a girl named Casey who is intimidating but at the same time the bravest loveliest girls he has met. She tames a horse called the star runner that no one else will even get near to. she helps him find a side in him that most people wont see, caring, loving, and best of all daring. Daring to show her that he has feelings for her. I love how the characters how they work together. How they mix and mangle. How they show different sides of each other. How they show how much they care for each other in the weirdest ways.
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