DOCX Sweet Piracy by Jennifer Blake (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

DOCX Sweet Piracy by Jennifer Blake (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

DOCX Sweet Piracy by Jennifer Blake (Goodreads Author) online look how to audio get

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Book description

Book description
Caroline Pembroke is a lovely young woman, attempting a dangerous transatlantic ocean crossing on her own. As she sails away from France, toward the Delacroix plantation in Louisiana, she has no idea how far the journey will take her. When pirates intent on plunder attack the ship, she unwittingly becomes part of the plunder herself. For a brief, dizzying moment she finds herself at the mercy of the swashbuckling captain of the privateer Black Eagle. Although Caroline arrives in Louisiana safe and sound, she realizes that the captain has stolen more than just gold and jewels...he also has her heart! Will she ever be able to drive the image of the man out of her head? Will she ever see him again?
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