DOCX Swallowing Mayhem by James Cox (Goodreads Author) touch amazon shop read torrent

DOCX Swallowing Mayhem by James Cox (Goodreads Author) touch amazon shop read torrent

DOCX Swallowing Mayhem by James Cox (Goodreads Author) touch amazon shop read torrent

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Book description
What if bad guys ruled the world and the good guys were the outlaws?This time the MC’s are taking the war to the surface of Mars. No more shadows. No more hiding. The old laws, homosexuality is a death sentence, women are for breeding, and dark skinned men as slaves, are going to be broken. But the Outlaw MC has a rat among them...Torrin is a prospect. He doesnt have a big problem with the way mars worked but that’s because he’s not just a prospective member. Torrin is also an undercover peacekeeper. His beliefs are thrown upside down because of one man, Mayhem. The Sergeant at arms and explosive expert managed to break Torrin. Now, this formerly straight peacekeeper has to deal with the attraction sizzling between them and tell the club about his lies. The truth can hurt but for Torrin it may just get him killed.And while Torrin sorts out his new feelings for loving another man, the club plans to take this war to the next step. Cup your junk, things are about to get explosive.
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