DOCX Super-Hungry Mice Eat Onions and Other Painless Tricks for Memorizing Geography Facts by Brian P. Cleary how download read find full link

DOCX Super-Hungry Mice Eat Onions and Other Painless Tricks for Memorizing Geography Facts by Brian P. Cleary how download read find full link

DOCX Super-Hungry Mice Eat Onions and Other Painless Tricks for Memorizing Geography Facts by Brian P. Cleary how download read

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Book description

Book description
Text: 5 starsIllustrations: 4 starsChildrens nonfiction book about geography facts. Also introduces mnemonic devices to help children remember the information. The first page spread explains mnemonics and encourages kids to come up with memorable phrases/visuals of their own. About half of the book is devoted to the United States, while the second half of the book focuses on the larger world. Maps of the US and the world are included at the back of the book, along with a glossary, index, and some suggested further reading. Strong pictorial support for the concepts presented in the book.
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