DOCX Stars & Stripes by Abigail Roux mobi ibooks ipad

DOCX Stars & Stripes by Abigail Roux mobi ibooks ipad

DOCX Stars & Stripes by Abigail Roux mobi ibooks ipad

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Book description
Special Agents Ty Grady and Zane Garrett have managed the impossible: a few months of peace and quiet. After nearly a year of personal and professional turmoil, theyre living together conflict-free, work is going smoothly, and theyre both happy, healthy, and home every night before dark. But anyone who knows them knows that can’t possibly last.When an emergency call from home upsets the balance of their carefully arranged world, Ty and Zane must juggle family drama with a perplexing crime to save a helpless victim before time runs out.From the mountains of West Virginia to a remote Texas horse ranch harboring more than just livestock and childhood memories, Ty and Zane must face their fears—and their families—to overcome an unlikely enemy and bring peace back into their newly shared world.
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