DOCX Star Wars: Tag & Bink II (2006) #2 by Kevin Rubio phone ios wiki selling online

DOCX Star Wars: Tag & Bink II (2006) #2 by Kevin Rubio phone ios wiki selling online

DOCX Star Wars: Tag & Bink II (2006) #2 by Kevin Rubio phone ios wiki selling online

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Book description
The origin story of our hapless heroes begins on their respective planets, Alderaan and Corellia. These future soldiers of the Rebel Alliance are sized up for Padawan potential, and we are treated to a rare inside look at the rigorous mental and physical training undergone by aspiring Knights in the Jedi Temple! Mace Windu, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the elder Fett each have a role in the miseducation of Tag and Bink, but despite all this schoolin, the two decide that spying on Padmé and the Chosen One is a pretty good idea . . .
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