DOCX Springhouse Review for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Certification by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Preparation) download book txt

DOCX Springhouse Review for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Certification by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Preparation) download book txt

DOCX Springhouse Review for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Certification by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Preparation)

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Book description
This comprehensive review book includes all the information needed to confidently pass the psychiatric and mental health nursing certification exam. For each psychiatric disorder, the text provides causes, signs and symptoms, nursing diagnoses, and nursing interventions. Presented in a clear outline format, the book also contains quick-reference charts, appendices, selected references, and a posttest in the same format as the actual exam. Each chapter includes a clinical situation that follows the nursing process format, with rationales for every intervention. The book also covers such key topics such as concepts, human development, role and scope of psychiatric and mental health nursing, models of human behavior, nursing research techniques, therapeutic communication, legal issues, psychiatric therapies, drug therapy, and more.
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