DOCX Something for Everyone: 150 Main Dish Recipes for Families that Include Vegetarians and Meat Eaters by Carol Gelles download android СЃhapter book link

DOCX Something for Everyone: 150 Main Dish Recipes for Families that Include Vegetarians and Meat Eaters by Carol Gelles download android СЃhapter book link

DOCX Something for Everyone: 150 Main Dish Recipes for Families that Include Vegetarians and Meat Eaters by Carol Gelles download

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Book description
Today, more and more people -- especially teenagers -- are becoming vegetarians, but many of them live in households where the rest of the family eats meat. Forget the hassle of having to make several different meals to suit each individual need; veteran cookbook author Carol Gelles has designed basic recipes that can be finished in two ways: one with meat, and one without. The basic stuffed eggplant recipe -- after the base of the dish is prepared -- can become Cornbread Stuffed Eggplant for the vegetarians, and Turkey Stuffed Eggplant for the meat eaters. Moroccan Couscous becomes Moroccan Couscous with Curried Chickpeas or Moroccan Couscous with Lamb. And the book has been cleverly designed so that the basic recipe sits opposite the two finished recipes, eliminating the need to flip pages.
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