DOCX Signs of a Serial Killer by Crystal Clary (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

DOCX Signs of a Serial Killer by Crystal Clary (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

DOCX Signs of a Serial Killer by Crystal Clary (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

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Book description
My friend Sue and I had spent so much time together we felt like sisters. We had made so many plans for our future, as young girls do. We would graduate from school, get married, have a career, children and we would be lifelong friends sharing those moments together. Part of that dream had already come true. Sue was a year older than myself. I went to her graduation and was so proud of her. She had just got an apartment with her boyfriend. I was halfway through my senior year. We went Christmas shopping at the mall. But by January 16, 1980, my friend Sue went missing. When I graduated Sue wasnt there. Then I got my first apartment, still no Sue. I would hear nothing about what happened to Sue for 15 years. Now I will try to fill in the blanks that I have learned over the years. And the surprising shocker after 33 years. Because of the sensitive nature of this book I will be using the pen name Crystal Clary. Since most of the information that Im sharing with you was unknown to me at the time I decided to write this book in Omniscient: so you as the reader will be able to see all and know all.
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