DOCX Saving Jack by Hurri Cosmo (Goodreads Author) download acquire buy shop ipad

DOCX Saving Jack by Hurri Cosmo (Goodreads Author) download acquire buy shop ipad

DOCX Saving Jack by Hurri Cosmo (Goodreads Author) download acquire buy shop ipad

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Book description
Watch the book trailer on a cold, dark bridge in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night was actually progress for Jack. Exhausted, no food, no coat, no real life to speak of, what was the point?Jack is on the run from an abusive ex-lover when Sam, the Chief of Police of the tiny town of Stonefield, shows up. Sam takes Jack in, feeds him, gives him a bed, and offers him time to heal. Even so, Jack is still surprised how strongly attracted he is to the tall, muscular law man. After two years with Trevor, he had thought that part of his heart was long dead. It hardly matters, though. He cant stay in one place too long.Sam is content taking care of his small town. Sure hes alone, but that doesnt mean hes lonely. Besides, his tiny town doesnt offer up much in the way of potential partners--until Jack shows up. Suddenly Sam will do anything to get Jack to stay, which means he will need to show Jack he can be trusted to protect him.But Trevor isnt finished with Jack yet and with a little bit of detective work, hes going to find him…
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