DOCX Roses, Origami & Math by Toshikazu Kawasaki look eng full story read

DOCX Roses, Origami & Math by Toshikazu Kawasaki look eng full story read

DOCX Roses, Origami & Math by Toshikazu Kawasaki look eng full story read

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Book description
With an innovative and exciting approach to paper craft, ROSES, ORIGAMI & MATH stretches this ancient art to the limits. Designed for the classroom, this book uses advanced paper folding theory to reveal fundamental mathematical problems. ROSES, ORIGAMI & MATH is divided into three sections with increasing degrees of difficulty: The first chapter focuses on blocks and is designed to help the reader understand symmetry. Once mastered, solving the mathematical questions of origami should be easier. From the simple blocks, cherry blossoms, small houses, churches, and even a Greek temple can be created. The second chapter goes on to explain techniques such as twist folding and stereoscopic twist folding that are used for making roses and are the basis for flat folding and crystal folding. Finally, in the third chapter Kawasaki introduces the mathematics of origami. He explains it as an element of geometry that most readers learned in junior high school. Each section has exercises to help the reader better understand the mathematics of origami. Included in ROSES, ORIGAMI & MATH are instructions for creating the authors masterpiece, the Kawasaki Rose Series. Fully illustrated with clear, step-by-step instructions, this book is fun and filled with useful techniques for mathematics education and for the ambitious layman.
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