DOCX Rewind by Jill Cooper (Goodreads Author) how download book tom tablet ebook

DOCX Rewind by Jill Cooper (Goodreads Author) how download book tom tablet ebook

DOCX Rewind by Jill Cooper (Goodreads Author) how download book tom tablet ebook

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Book description
When Lara Crane, changed the past and the course of history, what happened to the world she left behind? A time line novella where the cast of 15 Minutes comes together in an alternate version of the truth.The world is destined for the abyss.Rick loves Lara Crane more than anything and when she tries to change the past he rushes to stop her. But hes too late and no one believes his story about time travel as the world crumbles around him.Meanwhile, John Crane’s worst nightmares come true when his daughter, Lara never returns home and when he discovers she’s been to Rewind, all bets are off.Forced to relive horrible memories about his wife’s death, John finds a key to a locker at the YMCA that promises to unlock the secrets about Miranda’s murder.Once he pieces everything together, he’s on a collision course with destiny. And the man he sets his scope onto?Jax Montgomery.Suggest Reading order: 15 Minutes Rewind: A time line Novella Plugged Detached
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