DOCX Reflection by L. Sommers (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

DOCX Reflection by L. Sommers (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

DOCX Reflection by L. Sommers (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

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Book description
*** Authors Note *** Mature adult 18+ only. From the novel, Wishbone, we have Reflection, continuing with the lives of Chelsea Hodges and Derek Huntington in book two from the Game On trilogy. When her passionate, white-hot, no strings attached relationship turns serious, Chelsea’s tragic past self-sabotages her future, propelling Derek on a voyage of discovery to win her back. With her spiral of emotions dragging her even deeper than before, will Derek make it to Chelsea in time before it’s too late?
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