DOCX Purple and Black by K.J. Parker free writer original german reader

DOCX Purple and Black by K.J. Parker free writer original german reader

DOCX Purple and Black by K.J. Parker free writer original german reader

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Book description
When his father, brothers and uncles wiped each other out in a murderous civil war, Nicephorus was forced to leave the University and become emperor.Seventy-seven emperors had met violent deaths over the past hundred years, most of them murdered by their own soldiers. Hardly surprising, then, that Nico should want to fill the major offices of state with the only people he knew he could trust, his oldest and closest friends.But theres danger on the northern frontier, and Nico darent send a regular general up there with an army, for fear of a military coup. He turns to his best friend Phormio, who reluctantly takes the job.Military dispatches, written in the purple ink reserved exclusively for official business, are a miserable way for friends to keep in touch, at a time when they need each other most. But theres space in the document-tube for another sheet of paper.
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