DOCX Popular Science Mistakes and Hoaxes (100 things science got wrong) by Cliff Ransom download book fb2

DOCX Popular Science Mistakes and Hoaxes (100 things science got wrong) by Cliff Ransom download book fb2

DOCX Popular Science Mistakes and Hoaxes (100 things science got wrong) by Cliff Ransom download book fb2

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Book description
Engaging read on subjects that people used to think - and in some cases still think - are true. My favorite article was about the myth of no gravity in space. It always bothered me that going up in a space shuttle would completely turn the Earths gravity off when we know the Moon still feels it, and the article explained why astronauts appear weightless and float when in fact gravity is still at 90%. My least favorite article was the one calling all alien abduction reports a myth just because the phenomenon of sleep paralysis can have some similarities.
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