DOCX Point Man by James Watson italian online reading library download

DOCX Point Man by James Watson italian online reading library download

DOCX Point Man by James Watson italian online reading library download

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Book description

Book description
Chief Petty Officer James Patches Watson was there at the start. One of the first to come out of the famed Underwater Demolition Team 21, he was an initial member -- a plank owner -- of Americas deadliest and most elite fighting force, the U.S. Navy SEALs.Through three tours in the jungle hell of Vietnam, he walked the point -- staying alert to trip wires, booby traps and punji pits, guiding his squad of amphibious fighters on missions of rescue, reconnaissance and demolition -- confronting a wars unique terrors head-on, unprotected . . . and unafraid.This is the story of a hero told from the heart and from the gut -- an authentic tour of duty with one of the most legendary commandoes of the Vietnam War.
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