DOCX Playful Learning: Develop Your Childs Sense of Joy and Wonder by Mariah Bruehl download iphone read english ios

DOCX Playful Learning: Develop Your Childs Sense of Joy and Wonder by Mariah Bruehl download iphone read english ios

DOCX Playful Learning: Develop Your Childs Sense of Joy and Wonder by Mariah Bruehl download iphone read english ios

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Book description

Book description
Children are natural scientists, artists, mathematicians, authors, and scholars. From the time they are born they seek out information about the world around them in an effort to construct meaning and further their development. While children have an inherent drive to make sense of their reality, parents have a unique opportunity to harness their children’s curiosity and channel it into a love of learning. Playful learning is the magic that takes place when we meld a child’s sense of joy and wonder with thoughtfully planned learning experiences. Through easy-to-implement, hands-on projects you can engage your child in fun and creative ways that encourage learning and impart the joy of discovery. With a little bit of information and forethought, you can play a pivotal role in the cognitive and creative development of your child Mariah Bruehl has worked in the field of education for over a decade. She has taught in the classroom, developed curriculum in many different subject areas, trained teachers, and implemented programs across many grade levels. She is the mother of two girls and the owner of Playful Learning—a retail space and education center in Sag Harbor. Learn more at
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