DOCX Over the Ocean by Taro Gomi download epub without registering fb2 free

DOCX Over the Ocean by Taro Gomi download epub without registering fb2 free

DOCX Over the Ocean by Taro Gomi download epub without registering fb2 free

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Book description
Gomi, Taro. Over the Ocean, PICTURE BOOK. Chronicle Books, 2016. $16.99. A small child imagines what it is like over the ocean, far away. She imagines that there is more ocean, buildings, fairs, other children, and more. At the end of the musings, the child wonders if there is another child, far away on the other side of the ocean wondering about the same things. This an English translation of a Japanese story. I think that perhaps some of the poetry of the story was lost when it was translated, because the flow and continuity of the story seems to be a bit off, which makes the book less than spectacular. PRE-K, K-3- OPTIONAL. Reviewed by Shay, School Librarian
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