DOCX Ortnit and Wolfdietrich: Two Medieval Romances by J.W. Thomas read store amazon sale mobile

DOCX Ortnit and Wolfdietrich: Two Medieval Romances by J.W. Thomas read store amazon sale mobile

DOCX Ortnit and Wolfdietrich: Two Medieval Romances by J.W. Thomas read store amazon sale mobile

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Book description
A superb English translation by J.W. Thomas of two pre courtly german epics contained in the Heldenbuch, both of which act as a kind of prequel to the legendary and so called historic Dietrich epics. Ortnit tells the story of Ortnit and his dwarf father, Alberich and his wooing of a Valkyrie bride and death at the hands of a three headed dragon. It is said by scholars to be a corruption of the mythical Hartung legends, known in Norse tradition as the Haddingjar. Wolfdietrich is thought to contain the legendary tale of the Merovingian princes, Theodoric and Theodebert, the grandsons of Clovis, but in this legendary version both are know by the names of Hugdietrich and Wolfdietrich. The romance tells of their adventures with dwarves, dragons, bride winning adventures and the quest to regain their kingdom. For anyone whos read the more popular Nibelungenlied or Kudrunlied and is craving for more of the same, this is an ideal read. The book is also important for readers of the Old English poems Deor and Widsith, because if Malones theories are correct on the Deodric that is mentioned in those poems, it is Theodoric the Frank and not Theodoric the Ostogoth that the Old English poets mention in Deor and Widsith.
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