DOCX Origins of the Fifth Amendment: The Right Against Self-Incrimination by Leonard W. Levy online read value how read torrent

DOCX Origins of the Fifth Amendment: The Right Against Self-Incrimination by Leonard W. Levy online read value how read torrent

DOCX Origins of the Fifth Amendment: The Right Against Self-Incrimination by Leonard W. Levy online read value how read torrent

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Book description

Book description
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in history and a landmark in the study of constitutional origins, Leonard Levy s now-classic study appears for the first time in paperback. Origins probes the intentions of the framers of the Fifth Amendment and emphasizes their belief that in a society based upon respect for the individual, it is more important that the accused not unwillingly contribute to his conviction than that the guilty be punished. A work of monumental scholarship broad in scope, thorough, carefully annotated, accurate, and imaginative. Political Science Quarterly. Vastly learned...everywhere critical and reflective...written in a style at once lucid and vigorous. All in all, it is quite clearly one of the important contributions to historical literature. Henry Steele Commager. A matchless contribution to our understanding of the historical background underlying the adoption of a major provision of the Bill of Rights. American Political Science Review. A masterful job. Oscar Handlin.
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