DOCX Nordic Landscapes: Region and Belonging on the Northern Edge of Europe by Michael Jones (Editor) without registering shop pdf torrent read

DOCX Nordic Landscapes: Region and Belonging on the Northern Edge of Europe by Michael Jones (Editor) without registering shop pdf torrent read

DOCX Nordic Landscapes: Region and Belonging on the Northern Edge of Europe by Michael Jones (Editor) without registering shop pdf

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Book description
“Norden”-the region along the northern edge of Europe bordered by Russia and the Baltic nations to the east and by North America to the west-is a particularly fruitful site for the examination of the ever-evolving meaning of landscape and region as place. Contributors to this work reveal how Norden’s regions and people have been defined by and against the dominant culture of Europe while at the same time their landscapes and cultures have shaped and inspired Europe’s ways of life. Together, the essays provide a much-needed picture of this culturally rich and geographically varied part of the world.Contributors: Ingvild Austad, Sogn og Fjordane U College; Gabriel Bladh, Karlstad U; Tomas Germundsson, Lund U; Jens Christian Hansen, U of Bergen; Kirsten Hastrup, U of Copenhagen; Leif Hauge, Sogn og Fjordane U College; Maunu Häyrynen, U of Turku; Margareta Ihse, Stockholm U; Ari Aukusti Lehtinen, U of Joensuu; Anders Lundberg, U of Bergen; W. R. Mead, U College London; Ann Norderhaug, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research; Venke Åsheim Olsen; Anssi Paasi, U of Oulu; Helle Skånes, Stockholm U; Bo Wagner Sørensen, Roskilde U; Ulf Sporrong, Stockholm U; Nils Storå, Åbo Academy U; Arne Thorsteinsson.Michael Jones is professor of geography at the University of Trondheim.Kenneth R. Olwig is professor of landscape theory at the Department of Landscape Architecture of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp (SLU-Alnarp).
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