DOCX Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes by Cristina Ong (Illustrator) read store amazon sale mobile

DOCX Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes by Cristina Ong (Illustrator) read store amazon sale mobile

DOCX Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes by Cristina Ong (Illustrator) read store amazon sale mobile

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Book description
In my lifetime, I have read many extended versons of Mother Goose poetry and verses in addition to the 15 that are contained in this Landolls version of Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme book. However, this version, with its selection of traditional Mother Goose poetry and verse is short and to the point! I give a thumbs up for the artistic quality because each poetry/verse is represented with colorful and detailed illustrations that enables a non or immergent reader to use their imagination about what is happening in the plot. The pictures are true to color and shape depictions of real-life objects that a child nursery or primary child may have already seen or been exposed to at one time or another. Even if the viewer is unable to read or comprehend the dialog, the artistic elements are great! Some of which; for example, Jack and Jill,is illustrated so well, that even a 3 year old could tell the story/plot to another child and be right on point. If the verses are being read to a nursery or primary age child there is so much to be acquired educationally and developmentally ;such as,Reading skills-word recogntion, vocabulary, content knowledge, a sense of patterns, cooperative play and physical coodination; hence, Pat-a-Cake as a hand-eye coordination tool. Now there are two selections that Id modify and to teach the qualities of a boy and a girl and that would be the verses about What Little Girls are made Of, What Little Boys are Made Of(artistic elements show Although we know that nursery rhymes have primarily mythical characters, those two verses did not totally set too well with me because the depiction and inference of girls having all the good qualities and boys having all the bad,negative qualities. Of course the majority of the content, to young children, would be just silly words, delightful nonsense, funny characters, or simply opportunity for them to allow their imagination to go into never-never land, but they really do associate with ones decription of who they are as a boy or girl(if someone call them a name, see how they tear up or feelings are affected). Unless, we use that picture to explain that girls like to sugar and spice to bake and play house and boys like to play with snails and puupies. Theres more content like, ...Mulberry Bush, Ring A Ring O Roses( for so many years,I thought it said Ring Around a Rosie, pocketful of toosies;imagine what images where depicted in my mind:)) Ive learned that theres no ring around a girl named Rosie and no toes in someones pockets, how funny! In this book a child also gets a better understanding about what really happenend to Jack. This version of the famous,Jack and Jill shows a literal kings crown on Jacks head when he went up the hill and then the crown broken in half when he fell down the hill(I always saw Jack fall down,but thought that the broken crown referred to his head, because some of the other versions never showed the crown, it just showed Jack rolling down the hill. Now, who could ever forget,Mary Had a Little Lamb,Roses Are Red..., Pat-a-Cake, Mary,Mary, Quite Contrary, Little Miss Muffet, Jack Be Nimble... a few more,and ending with Star Light, Star Bright! What a way to end a book on a Bright and Positive Note! I do recommend this poetry and verse book because it has varying content that can be used as a supplementary tool to aide in developing cognitive and social developement. Also utilized in physical development when the verses are accompanied with musical instruments and inacted as a fingerplay. Every one of these rhymes in and of themselves can be read to a varying aged group in nursery and primary aged lessons and also can be used with intermediate to middleschool age if we use and interpret them on there level of education; for example, classifying them as war songs, romantic lyrics, proverbs, riddles, political jingles, and street cries or have them to reaserch the history behind nursery rhymes. Theres so much to be said about a childrens poetry and verse; especially, nursery rhymes. Some are of the opinion that some verses in nursery rhymes contain violence;such as Three Blind Mice, Rock-a-Bye Baby, and OLd Lady That Lived In A Shoe, but we can always turn what others may see as a negative tool and use it in a postive way, even a book of poetry and verse!
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