DOCX Montana Dreams by Velda Brotherton (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

DOCX Montana Dreams by Velda Brotherton (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

DOCX Montana Dreams by Velda Brotherton (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

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Book description
Watch the sparks fly when wealthy Dessa Fallon escapes the clutches of outlaws, and fetches up on the doorstep of tough and reclusive mountain man Ben Poole,Dessa Fallon leaves her plush home in Kansas City to search for her brother Mitch, rumored to have survived the Civil War. After a rough stage ride, she’s kidnapped by outlaws and escapes to make her way to the remote home of Ben Poole. She is devastated to learn her parents have been killed in the fire that destroyed the mercantile they owned in Virginia City.Smitten by the lovely grieving woman, Ben offers to help. He takes her to the Golden Sun Saloon owned by his friend Rose Langue. There she is welcomed and made feel at home among the ladies of the evening.After she and Ben take a mythical train ride to Kansas City to tend to her family’s business he realizes he does not belong in her world and returns home. Dessa feels differently and goes back to Montana. The two team up to find Mitch.Their journey is filled with danger, a growing love, and a shocking surprise neither expected.
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