DOCX Miss Dont Touch Me, Vol. 1 by Hubert book finder flibusta library ipad

DOCX Miss Dont Touch Me, Vol. 1 by Hubert book finder flibusta library ipad

DOCX Miss Dont Touch Me, Vol. 1 by Hubert book finder flibusta library ipad

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Book description
Paris in the thirties. The ‘Butcher of the Dances’ is on the prowl for young loose women. Blanche works as a maid along with the only family she knows, her sister, fun-loving Agatha. Suddenly, Blanche loses her to what she saw was murder but others only write off as suicide. She decides to take matters into her own hands. In her pursuit, she ends up a servant in a luxury house of call-girls. She even becomes quite good at certain lascivious practices while still remaining a virgin! But she also doesn’t lose sight of her goal: find the Butcher. A suspenseful spicy tale as only the French could so lightly get away with, yet deceptive in its depth and realism. By the artist of Dungeon Early Years.
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