DOCX Loves Sweet Revenge by Rosanne Bittner (Goodreads Author) download book free pdf

DOCX Loves Sweet Revenge by Rosanne Bittner (Goodreads Author) download book free pdf

DOCX Loves Sweet Revenge by Rosanne Bittner (Goodreads Author) download book free pdf

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Book description
Their Passion Shaped a NationOver the years, Jake and Miranda Harkner have endured all the dangers a wild and brutal West could throw at them. Now, settled on their ranch in the beautiful Colorado hill country, they’ve finally found peace. But for a man like Jake Harkner, danger is always lurking, and the world may not be ready for an infamous outlaw-turned-lawman-turned-legend to hang up his guns.Threatened by cruel men in search of revenge, the Harkner clan must be stronger than ever before. Yet nothing can stop the coming storm. With the Old West dying around them and the rules of this new world ever-changing, Jake vows to end the threat to his family no matter what it takes…Even if it means sacrificing himself so his beloved Miranda may live.
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