DOCX Living in a Warmer World: How a Changing Climate Will Affect Our Lives by Jim Salinger (Editor) wiki book find txt online

DOCX Living in a Warmer World: How a Changing Climate Will Affect Our Lives by Jim Salinger (Editor) wiki book find txt online

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Book description
Readable, relevant and fascinating, Living in a Warmer World examines how our changing climate will affect our everyday lives through access to food, water and even land, and how this will also impact on our health. More importantly, it looks at what science is doing to help us plan for and adapt to our future. This book looks beyond the debate over how and why, and describes what is actually happening as our world gets warmer.Jim Salinger brings together some of the worlds leading scientists to describe how a hotter planet is affecting our food supplies, fisheries and agriculture, access to fresh water and public health. From these specifics, a clearer picture emerges of how our planet is changing and how this will affect our lives.
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