DOCX Living in Hell: A True Odyssey of a Womans Struggle in Islamic Iran Against Personal and Political Forces by Ghazal Omid (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

DOCX Living in Hell: A True Odyssey of a Womans Struggle in Islamic Iran Against Personal and Political Forces by Ghazal Omid (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

DOCX Living in Hell: A True Odyssey of a Womans Struggle in Islamic Iran Against Personal and Political Forces by Ghazal Omid (Goodreads

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Book description

Book description
A gripping, first person account by an Iranian Muslim woman of her brutal life in an abusve, neglected polygamous family, survival of the Islamic revolution and the eight year Iran/Iraq war, harassment and abduction while in university by secret police in retaliation for low-key resistance to non-Islamic dictates and her escape of am imminent orchestrated death sentence, with the help of sympathizers and false documents, to freedom in Canada.
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