DOCX Liberations Vow by Wendy Lynn Clark (Goodreads Author) book ios full version full pdf

DOCX Liberations Vow by Wendy Lynn Clark (Goodreads Author) book ios full version full pdf

DOCX Liberations Vow by Wendy Lynn Clark (Goodreads Author) book ios full version full pdf

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Book description
He wants redemption. She’s using him as bait. They’ll sacrifice everything for one passionate embrace…Aris is tortured by his past. The regional governor and aristocrat once traded his half-sisters’ lives for power. Seeking to redeem himself, he makes a deal with a shady agent that could get him killed.Resa is a zero-class assassin. Her predecessor was a murderous nightmare, and she has no choice but to fill those bloody shoes. She attempts to infiltrate Aris’ life to draw out the android-corrupting rogue agent. The mission reveals forbidden desires that change everything.Aris is using Resa too, but similar feelings cloud his judgment. With their passion unleashed, a secret may be revealed: the real reason the Antiata family has been sentenced to death. Resa and Aris are the only ones who can stop a human-robot war that destroys all worlds forever.Liberation’s Vow is the third book in a series of sci-fi romances and can be read as a stand-alone. If you like android assassins, creative world-building, and sizzling chemistry, then you’ll love Wendy Lynn Clark’s latest roller coaster romance.Buy Liberation’s Vow to fight for love today!
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