DOCX Levet by Alexandra Ivy (Goodreads Author) pc amazon read direct link no registration

DOCX Levet by Alexandra Ivy (Goodreads Author) pc amazon read direct link no registration

DOCX Levet by Alexandra Ivy (Goodreads Author) pc amazon read direct link no registration

> READ BOOK > Levet



Book description

Book description
Gargoyles do not admire difference--and Levet is undeniably different. Of miniscule stature, rather beastly looks, and with fragile, delicate wings, even his family has shunned him, banished him from his beloved Paris. That he is the only gargoyle ever to help defeat the Dark Lord and his hordes of minions makes no impression. But now Levet has come home, determined to be restored to the official Gargoyle Guild. To do so, he must confront the most feared gargoyle in all of Europe. The one who tried to kill him as a child: his own mother. . .With few allies, Levets survival may depend on the aid of two strangers: Valla, a beautiful but damaged nymph, and Elijah, the fiercely possessive, love-struck vampire clan chief to whom she cant quite surrender--unless Levet has something to do with it. . .
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