DOCX LOVEDAY: An Interactive Pick-Your-Path Erotica with Multiple Endings (Historical Victorian Adventure Erotica ) by Kristy Flowers ebook flibusta book access epub

DOCX LOVEDAY: An Interactive Pick-Your-Path Erotica with Multiple Endings (Historical Victorian Adventure Erotica ) by Kristy Flowers ebook flibusta book access epub

DOCX LOVEDAY: An Interactive Pick-Your-Path Erotica with Multiple Endings (Historical Victorian Adventure Erotica ) by Kristy Flowers

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Book description
—————————————————————— YOU will decide how this book will end. YOU will decide which turn to take in this lust filled adventure Would you like to sleep with the chauffeur? Or perhaps Lord Blackwood himself? Make your choice and decide who to KILL to quench Lena’s thirst for sex and revenge.—————————————————————— LOVEDAY is a truly unique erotica. With the suspense of a murder mystery thriller and oozing with sex, there really is no other book quite like it on Amazon - or anywhere for that matter. Lena Sherwood walks the path of revenge. Through deceit and poison, the Blackwood family has murdered Lena’s parents and seized the fortune of the Sherwood estate. Lena barely escaped with her life — but she does not intend on running away forever. With a new name and identity, Lena returns. She is hell bent on revenge — and she is sexually frustrated. Lena manages to infiltrate the Blackwood estate by taking on the job of a housemaid — but can she carry out her revenge without losing her own life in the process? Sex and seduction are her weapons. Seducing a man is easy, but can she have sex with him and kill him afterwards? At the end of every chapter there are many choices — some lead to life, others lead to death. You must your wit and cunning to navigate this maze of lies and lust. You must choose which assassination target to seduce and sleep with. You must judge which choice will lead to the juiciest sex and the most gratifying revenge. —————————————————————— LOVEDAY is a standalone interactive erotica that sports seven unique endings. Around every twist and turn in the Blackwood mansion there is sex to be found and revenge to be had. Clocking in at over 70,000 words, LOVEDAY is guaranteed to have you exploring different paths and ends in this thrilling adventure.
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