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Book description
[Ménage Amour ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Ménage a Trois Romance, M/M/M, werewolves, HEA]Matthew is a lost boy who believes no one wants him. When he and his mate Josh cannot claim each other because of their age they decide to keep their relationship secret. But then Josh finds their other mate Milo. The realization that Josh and Milo can claim each other, but Matthew will be left out, only solidifies his self-doubt of ever having anyone to love him.He runs to Montana to search for the only family he ever felt wanted him, but when he gets there he finds that the Montana pack is now being ruled with fear and death. Matthew struggles to help two new friends as he tries to get them back home to safety.In the meantime Josh refuses to let Milo claim him and cool his mating heat. He will die before he lets anyone but Matthew claim him first. Can Matthew make it home in time to save Josh and his mating or will the new alpha in Montana find him before he can get his new family to safety?A Siren Erotic Romance
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