DOCX Juice Power: How to Juice for Healing and Lifelong Health by Mike Cernovich phone direct link ios italian online

DOCX Juice Power: How to Juice for Healing and Lifelong Health by Mike Cernovich phone direct link ios italian online

DOCX Juice Power: How to Juice for Healing and Lifelong Health by Mike Cernovich phone direct link ios italian online

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Book description

Book description
Mike Cernovich is a lawyer, lifelong martial artist, and fitness enthusiast who has used juicing to help him boost his energy, improve his skin, and help power through and recover from rigorous workouts. Since discovering and writing about juicing years ago, he has helped thousands of men and women begin their journey to better health and an improved sense of well-being. Juice Power is the only complete guide to juicing on the market. Juice Power contains juice recipes, juicer reviews, and scientifically-proven benefits of juicing. Juice Power also addresses common myths about juicing and explores the difference between juicing and blending. Juice Power even contains green smoothie recipes.
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