DOCX Introduction to Judaism by Shai Cherry epub kickass online francais how read

DOCX Introduction to Judaism by Shai Cherry epub kickass online francais how read

DOCX Introduction to Judaism by Shai Cherry epub kickass online francais how read

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Loved this lecture series. Ive been wanting to learn more about Judaism for a long time and this was a great intro course. Shai Cherry is an engaging lecturer. A few things I loved: - Salvation is collective, not individual, thus the emphasis on gathering and Israel. - The Hebrew word for repentance also means creation.- The idea of a physical Resurrection is only marginal.- Jews dont use the word holocaust, they more often use the word shoah to refer to the atrocities of WWII. The historical meaning of holocaust (a Greek word) means a religious human sacrifice. I had no idea! - I loved the discussion of the different strains of Judaism and felt like I got a little better handle on them all (Hasidic, Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, etc.). Reform Judaism believes Jews were dispersed, not exiled - thus no push for physical gathering. Reform is loyal to biblical criticism. They dont believe God wrote the Torah so the laws in the Torah arent necessarily binding. Orthodoxy was in response to Reform. - Until the 1700s, Jews lived as guests in their countries. Their primary loyalty was to the idea of a Jewish state, not the country in which they lived. After the 1700s, the Jews were granted citizenship in hopes to acculturate them. The goal was for Judaism to become a religious group with loyalty to the state. - I loved the discussion on women in Judaism. The most fascinating point to me was the issue of abortion. Cherry pointed out that the idea of pro-choice vs. pro-life doesnt really fit within Judaism because the ultimate decision is up to the rabbi. That said, the life of the mother is seen as paramount to the fetus. Jewish law requires abortion when mothers physical or mental health is in serious jeopardy. Abortion is permitted when difficultly is greater than normal - but its not put in terms of a womans choice. Great lecture series if you are at all interested in Judaism.
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