DOCX In a People House by Dr. Seuss read flibusta via information eng

DOCX In a People House by Dr. Seuss read flibusta via information eng

DOCX In a People House by Dr. Seuss read flibusta via information eng

> READ BOOK > 12th of Never

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Book description
James Patterson will always be one of my favorite authors. I will say this from the of my favorite AUTHORS...not so much when hes CO-AUTHORING. I have read everything hes ever published, and The Womens Murder Club has been a fun, compelling, cant-put-it-down type of a series for me. 12th of Never, however, was lacking a bit in comparison to previous books. It was very scattered, distracted and NEVER felt like it gained traction. I was so disappointed that I couldnt like this book as well as many of Pattersons others. I will say, it was a super quick read. I wanted to finish it in a sitting and see if it would take off at some point. Unfortunately, for me, it NEVER did! It seemed to have too many different ideas shifting back and forth; not one truly sparking and holding my interest throughout. It didnt have the great development and intrigue that made me fall in love with Pattersons writing style and storytelling initially. Based on this novel, like many recently co-authored books, I have started questioning Patterson and think he should go back to writing on his own. He is so amazingly successful, talented and creative, I would love to see him go back to solo writing. He certainly has nothing to prove to anyone, least of all, myself. He is truly an unbelievable and charismatic novelist and storyteller. Its just my personal opinion that Patterson is powerful in, and of, himself and should stick to authoring alone. Although I am being very critical of the writing, this was still a good read...just not one of his best. I continue to love the powerful core characters and the entire concept of The Womens Murder Club. 12th of Never was still an enjoyable read. I just needed more from it. I need James Patterson, the solo author, back for me to revel in his amazing craftsmanship! Thank you for another good book, though.
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