DOCX In His Eyes by Nina Pierce (Goodreads Author) pc read value kickass francais

DOCX In His Eyes by Nina Pierce (Goodreads Author) pc read value kickass francais

DOCX In His Eyes by Nina Pierce (Goodreads Author) pc read value kickass francais

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Book description
It’s always wonderful to be noticed … or is it?To those around her, Maggie Callaghan appears to have the perfect life…a handsome husband, three beautiful children, and her own business. But beneath her thin veneer lies a dark past and self-doubts. When evidence of her husband’s infidelity surfaces, Maggie leases a cottage on the Maine coast and prepares for her inevitable divorce. But a serial killer is on the hunt—and he’s marked Maggie as his next victim. Now her beachside retreat is the focus of an undercover FBI investigation targeting the murderer who’s left a trail of bodies across two states. As lies and secrets are revealed, Maggie realizes her life depends on knowing who’s protecting her—and who’s got her in his sights.
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