DOCX How to Be Happy (Or at Least Less Sad): A Creative Workbook by Lee Crutchley (Goodreads Author) tom portable german direct link online

DOCX How to Be Happy (Or at Least Less Sad): A Creative Workbook by Lee Crutchley (Goodreads Author) tom portable german direct link online

DOCX How to Be Happy (Or at Least Less Sad): A Creative Workbook by Lee Crutchley (Goodreads Author) tom portable german direct

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Book description
Author and illustrator Lee Crutchley brings his lively interactive approach to a little-discussed but very common issue: the struggle with depression and anxiety. Through a series of supportive, surprising, and engaging prompts, HOW TO BE HAPPY (OR AT LEAST LESS SAD) helps readers see things in a new light, and rediscover simple pleasures and everyday joy…or at least feel a little less sad. By turns a workbook, trusted friend, creative outlet, security blanket, and secret diary, the pages of this book will offer solace, distraction, engagement, a fresh perspective, and hopeful new beginnings—for readers of all ages and walks of life.
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