DOCX Hot Roddin To Hell (A Charm School #2) by Elizabeth Watasin (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

DOCX Hot Roddin To Hell (A Charm School #2) by Elizabeth Watasin (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

DOCX Hot Roddin To Hell (A Charm School #2) by Elizabeth Watasin (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

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Book description
The werewolves challenge Dean to a Hell race on, of all days, Sweethearts Day. With the vampire neglecting Bunny, the dark fairy, Fairer Than, moves in to woo. Love is in the air in Little Salem but for Bunny, that love may lead to a death match of vampire versus fairy muscle. The challenge is on! Meet teen witch Bunny, a daughter of a seventh daughter living in Little Salem’s Enchanting Forest. Dean is her perfect greaser vampire girlfriend, but beyond hotrods and soda shops lies something more in the Enchanting Forest: fairies. And even among such ancient, preternatural denizens, theyve someone to fear, namely the notorious heart breaker and home wrecker, the dark fairy, Fairer Than. Fairer Than: Gorgeous, red-haired, stronger than a fairy ought to be, and smoldering in more ways than one. Her reputation has Daughters of the Faerie Court flee before her wake lest they fall for her charms. And theres a certain teen witch shed like to charm, if only a certain vampire was out of the picture. Dean: The coolest vampire greaser in Little Salem, ready to defend her girl and treat her right–except when a dark fairy threatens to take Bunny away. Paranormal YA romance and fantasy, LGBT Feel free to hit Elizabeth Watasin’s Amazon Author Page and hit Follow for more of Charm School.
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