DOCX Homebirth in the Hospital: Integrating Natural Childbirth with Modern Medicine by Stacey Marie Kerr fb2 price how to eReader book

DOCX Homebirth in the Hospital: Integrating Natural Childbirth with Modern Medicine by Stacey Marie Kerr fb2 price how to eReader book

DOCX Homebirth in the Hospital: Integrating Natural Childbirth with Modern Medicine by Stacey Marie Kerr fb2 price how to eReade…

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Book description
This was pretty disappointing. I thought it would be how to have a completely natural birth in a hospital setting. It wasnt. It was how to integrate medicine with as natural a birth as possible. The author believes in natural childbirth, but of the many birth stories in this book, I dont think any of the womens actually had an unmedicated birth. This book was more of an apology for modern medicines intervention in the natural process of childbirth than an encouraging book to help those who sincerely seek an unmedicated, normal birth in a hospital setting. Makes me wonder: is the hospital really the best place for this kind of birth? Other things that bugged me:The author described part of her own homebirth as similar to the good acid trips she had in college. I guess most people can relate to an acid trip. I think thats terrible. I guess it just shows that birth can be a natural high, but really, relating it to illegal, dangerous behavior is not a good analogy.Most of the birth stories were about women who didnt believe they could give birth. The most common drug they had was a shot of nubain. No explaination of how the narcotic affects mother or baby.Overall, it just wasnt an empowering book. Even if you arent planning a natural birth, dont waste your time with this book. Try the Birth Partner by Penny Simpkin instead.
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