DOCX Hollywood 101: The Film Industry by Frederick Levy free eng format epub review

DOCX Hollywood 101: The Film Industry by Frederick Levy free eng format epub review

DOCX Hollywood 101: The Film Industry by Frederick Levy free eng format epub review

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Book description
Looking for a career in the film business? Look no further.Making it in Hollywood is possible. But only if you have a workable strategy. When author Frederick Levy launched his own fledgling career, he didnt know a soul in the business. But that didnt stop him and it doesnt have to stop you. Hollywood 101 is a complete game plan for getting your foot in the door of the film industry. With fascinating inside stories and advice from key players, it takes you step-by-step up the ladder of success. Whether you aspire to be a producer, director, writer, talent agent, and any other behind-the-camera professional, this is the one book you need to turn your reel dreams into reality!
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