DOCX Handbook for Butterfly Watchers by Robert Michael Pyle eReader download online ebay itunes

DOCX Handbook for Butterfly Watchers by Robert Michael Pyle eReader download online ebay itunes

DOCX Handbook for Butterfly Watchers by Robert Michael Pyle eReader download online ebay itunes

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Book description
A good introduction to butterflies and butterfly watching. Pyles writing is enjoyable and informative, neither too dense nor too chatty. The book introduces butterflies life history and the various types of butterflies, discusses the merits of catch-and-release or collecting vs. simply watching, lists equipment for butterflying watching (not very much!) and photography, and suggests ways to conserve butterfly populations and attract them with a garden. Finally, Pyle suggests some places to look for butterflies in North America and around the world. The chapter on photography is a bit dated, since it was written well before photographys digital revolution. Otherwise the book holds up quite well.It might be good to read it with a field guide nearby since a lot of the butterfly species Pyle mentions are not included among the books black-and-white illustrations.
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