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DOCX Grow Vegetables by Alan Buckingham get without registering value download find

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Book description
‘Grow Vegetables’ (written by Alan Buckingham) is geared towards new gardeners. There’s nothing here to frighten or confuse and everything is nicely laid out and easy to find.The book covers everything a newcomer to vegetable gardening needs to know. There’s a quick run through of general gardening topics such as microclimates, soil and compost, tools and containers. There’s a very nice section on the concept of space versus time and which garden tasks are likely to feel like chores (weeding!) and which are far more satisfying (raising plants from seed).There’s a reassuringly short section on crop rotation (a process that I believe is often portrayed in an eye-crossingly complicated way), but the book then misses a trick because the vegetable families used in the crop rotation page don’t exactly match up to the ones used in the vegetable directory section later – which would have made the instructions the ‘fool proof, step-by-step advice’ they’re portrayed as being.‘Grow Vegetables’ is not an organic gardening book, although it suggests that people stick to organic methods. There is a section on ‘eco-gardening’ – being organic, using biological controls and conserving water – and it is followed two pages on how to save seeds.The vegetable directory section is divided into family groupings. Every commonly grown vegetable is included, with good pictures of what they look like growing (very useful for a beginner), pictures of techniques, a list of common problems and recommended varieties. What you won’t find here is any Latin names, they’re completely absent from the book. Whilst I understand why this is the case, I think it’s a mistake in the context of the more exotic species mentioned.In each plant family there are some more unusual vegetables mentioned. These include Chinese cabbage and pak choi, sweet potatoes (with instructions from growing from slips, but no instructions on making slips), and growing heritage potato varieties from microplants. Readers will also discover several new beans – soy, lima and yard long – and it was at this point that I wished there was some difficulty rating attached to each species, as some of these vegetables would be tricky enough to disappoint and disenchant new gardeners.There is a section on herbs, but nothing on fruit, which I suppose is consistent with the book’s title. A very nice year planner follows, with a month-by-month guide to kitchen garden tasks.The last sections in the book are from the Vegetable Doctor, with clear pictures and descriptions of pests and diseases and the damage they cause. There’s also information on how to prevent them – including companion planting and attracting beneficial wildlife.Overall, ‘Grow Vegetables’ lays out everything a new kitchen gardener will need to know, together with a little bit more that will encourage them to spread their wings and try new things as they become more proficient. It’s beautifully laid out and would make a great gift to encourage a budding gardener. There may well be a wide range of similar titles on offer, but this one is definitely worth short-listing.
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