DOCX Gregory of Nazianzus by Brian E. Daley cheap store read without signing reader

DOCX Gregory of Nazianzus by Brian E. Daley cheap store read without signing reader

DOCX Gregory of Nazianzus by Brian E. Daley cheap store read without signing reader

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Book description
This book brings together a new, original survey of the significance of Gregorys life and work with translations of eight beautiful and profound orations. Gregory of Nazianzus portrays a vivid picture of a fascinating character of vital importance who deserves to be regarded as the first true Christian humanist.The eight orations, each representing a different aspect of his writing, are examined alongside a selection of his shorter poems in verse translation, letters, and a translation of Gregorys own will. Author Brian Daley offers extensive commentary on the works translated and an ample bibliography.With an extensive introduction to Gregorys life, thought and writings, and including detailed notes, this study places Gregory in his correct historical context, and gives students access to a deeper understanding of this fascinating figure from the past.
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