DOCX Greetings from Fenway: A Season in Red Sox Nation by Rob Neyer review link english torrent book

DOCX Greetings from Fenway: A Season in Red Sox Nation by Rob Neyer review link english torrent book

DOCX Greetings from Fenway: A Season in Red Sox Nation by Rob Neyer review link english torrent book

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Book description
Jacques Barzun said, whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball. Rob Neyer realized that whoever wants to know the heart of baseball had better learn about Fenway Park. So with an outsiders curiosity and a baseball junkies fanaticism, he moved from Seattle to Boston and set out to steep himself in the culture of Red Sox Nation.In Greetings from Fenway, ESPN.coms Rob Neyer lives out the dreams of many a man, spending his summer attending every home game of the Boston Red Sox. Planted in the bleachers, he chronicles the idiosyncrasies of his adopted home -- the unparalleled fidelity and blind devotion of the Fenway Faithful, the hallowed history of the soon-to-be-razed park and the famed left field wall dubbed the Green Monster, and the lore surrounding Sox past and the superstition of Sox present.There is no better commentator and companion to dissect the games and convey the atmosphere than Rob Neyer. He possesses a knowledge of statistics that is flabbergasting and a love for the game that is sincere. He shares his diverse experiences with breezy language and boyish enthusiasm and he has fashioned a memoir, travelogue and primer for those whove never made their way to Fenway and those who couldnt imagine watching a game anywhere else.The oldest stadium in baseball, Fenway opened the week that the Titanic sank. Amidst much controversy, there are plans underway to build a new Fenway Park which, like everything else, promises to be bigger and have better parking. One cant help but be a bit teary. Greetings from Fenway is, among other things, a paean to the park -- to the Green Monster, the manually-operated scoreboard and theone seat painted red, in right field, to mark the site of the longest homerun in the parks history, hit by Ted Williams.
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