DOCX Fulgor y muerte de Joaquin Murieta/ Splendor and Death of Joaquin Murieta by Pablo Neruda value tablet bookstore online touch

DOCX Fulgor y muerte de Joaquin Murieta/ Splendor and Death of Joaquin Murieta by Pablo Neruda value tablet bookstore online touch

DOCX Fulgor y muerte de Joaquin Murieta/ Splendor and Death of Joaquin Murieta by Pablo Neruda value tablet bookstore online to…

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Book description
Plays are oftentimes hard to read (ahem, E Albee, ahem, A Miller, ...) but this one is very precise, reading almost like a spec. script. The injustices committed against the famous bandit is the focus, a total 180 from Yellowbirds famous narrative of the vigilante. This is 2/3 love story, 1/3 violent revenge epic... a Chileans interpretation of the man who inspired all the Zorro movies. The play is applicable to our modern day: racism still exists, and we see this as it is unjustly pounded upon the influx of Latin immigrants who look at the U.S. entirely as a goldmine (which, as we know, it simply is NOT) and prefer to leave the comforts of their own homelands, risking EVERYTHING, just for one chance at making something of themselves. The Klansmen are inarticulate bozos who kill every newcomer, including the heros damsel, Teresa, and this is the incident which finally leads to his vigilantism. The use of actors speaking out this Robin-Hood-of-the-Wild-Wests heroic acts, and only his decapitated (talking!) head as representative of Murieta, gives the whole production a patina of surrealism and effervescence. He is legend and rumor, and as such, only by the spoken word is he made manifest.
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