DOCX From the Ballroom to Hell: Grace and Folly in Nineteenth-Century Dance by Elizabeth Aldrich story pocket amazon download djvu

DOCX From the Ballroom to Hell: Grace and Folly in Nineteenth-Century Dance by Elizabeth Aldrich story pocket amazon download djvu

DOCX From the Ballroom to Hell: Grace and Folly in Nineteenth-Century Dance by Elizabeth Aldrich story pocket amazon download djvu

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Book description

Book description
During the 1800s, dance and etiquette manuals provided ordinary men and women with the keys to becoming gentlemen and ladies--and thus advancing in society. Why dance? To the insecure and status-oriented upper middle class, the ballroom embodied the perfect setting in which to demonstrate ones fitness for membership in genteel society.From the Ballroom to Hell collects over 100 little-known excerpts from dance, etiquette, beauty, and fashion manuals from the nineteenth century. Included are instructions for performing various dances, as well as musical scores, costume patterns, and the proper way to hold ones posture, fork, gloves, and fan. While of particular interest to dancers, dance historians, and choreographers, anyone fascinated by the ways and mores of the period will find From the Ballroom to Hell an endearing and informative glimpse of Americas past.
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