DOCX From Left Field by Mindy Klasky (Goodreads Author) read fb2 on ipad

DOCX From Left Field by Mindy Klasky (Goodreads Author) read fb2 on ipad

DOCX From Left Field by Mindy Klasky (Goodreads Author) read fb2 on ipad

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Book description
Adam Sartain is the face of the Rockets baseball franchise, a long-time left fielder with an easy-going attitude and a reputation for helping out in the community.Haley Thurman is literally the girl next door; she and Adam grew up like siblings, raising hell and sneaking out for late-night hijinks at the neighboring Reeves Farm. Now, Haley dreams of buying the farm for her no-kill animal shelter.Haley’s plan is perfect, until Adam learns the farm is for sale. His unscrupulous manager has cleaned out his bank account, and the only way he can regain his fortune, save his reputation, and continue to fund a charity for underserved kids is to buy the farm and develop it as high-end condos.Sparks fly as Haley and Adam fight over the farm – and neither one of them is prepared for the heat when they realize they aren’t just neighbors any more...
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